Held at the Amphitheater Room, PAU Building 1st Floor, Jl. Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, the event began at 4:00 PM WIB and was attended by the current Chair of LPIT, several heads of P/PP within ITB, lecturers, and ITB students from undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. Dr. Yoanes Bandung, M.T., a lecturer from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) ITB and the current head of PPTIK, was the keynote speaker.

The presentation highlighted the Information and Communication Technology Research Center’s pioneering research in AI applications for healthcare, predictive modeling using machine learning, multimedia security, IoT advancements, and optimization of Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS). Researchers at the center have developed an AI system that revolutionizes healthcare by making smart recommendations for healthy food aimed at improving people’s Quality of Life. The center’s dedication to multimedia security ensures robust protection of digital content through innovative encryption techniques and digital watermarking, while their IoT innovations aim to enhance connectivity and interoperability among smart devices, paving the way for smarter cities and efficient resource management. Furthermore, their efforts in optimizing QoE and QoS standards in telecommunications promise enhanced user satisfaction and reliable service delivery, supporting the ever-growing digital landscape with seamless connectivity and minimal latency.

Dr. Yoanes Bandung emphasized the importance of information and communication technology in empowering communities and advancing research in Indonesia. With regular events like this, LPIT hopes to continuously enhance the quality of research at ITB and strengthen collaboration among researchers within the campus.
The presentation by Dr. Yoanes Bandung received positive responses from the attendees. It is hoped that this event will motivate researchers to be more active in research activities conducted by the research centers at ITB and serve as a platform for sharing information and discussing the latest developments in the field of information and communication technology.