This seminar was conducted as one of the outcomes from the International Research Grant under the Riset Internasional Pusat dan Pusat Penelitian (RI3P) Program, proposed by Dr. Y. Bandung, the head of PPTIK ITB. The grant aims to foster international collaboration and innovation in research, with this seminar serving as a platform to showcase the progress and achievements from the ongoing partnership between ITB and Pusan National University.

The seminar featured four distinguished speakers from two major institutions, Pusan National University and ITB, who discussed various cutting-edge topics in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT):
- Prof. Jong-Deok Kim from the Digital-X AIoT Research Center, Pusan National University, presented on the topic “Issues and Ideas for Scalable and Robust LPWAN,” addressing the challenges and solutions in developing more scalable and robust Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN).
- Prof. Young-Hwan Yoo from the Digital-X AIoT Research Center, Pusan National University, delivered a presentation on “AI for 5G and Beyond,” exploring the role of artificial intelligence in the development of 5G networks and future technologies.
- Prof. Wonjoo Hwang from the Digital-X AIoT Research Center, Pusan National University, introduced the concept of “Quantum AI,” which explains the integration of artificial intelligence and quantum computing in tackling future computational challenges.
- Prof. Andrian Bayu Suksmono from the Research Center for Information and Communication Technology, ITB, presented on “Quantum Computing,” delving into the latest developments and potential of quantum computing technology.
The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Taufan Marhaendrajana, M.Sc., Director of the Directorate of Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Implementation (LPIT) ITB, and Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at ITB. The presence of these prominent figures underscores ITB’s full support for strengthening international collaborations and fostering innovation in the field of information and communication technology.
The seminar registered 86 participants from 10 different affiliations, including ITB, Pusan National University, Telkom University, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), and other leading institutions across Indonesia. This diverse participation highlights the broad interest and relevance of the seminar topics, as well as the strong collaborative spirit between academia, government, and industry.
This seminar not only served as a platform for sharing knowledge and the latest innovations but also strengthened the academic ties between ITB and Pusan National University, while opening up new opportunities for future collaboration. With a theme and topics highly relevant to current technological advancements, this seminar is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of research and innovation both in Indonesia and internationally.